15.01.2014 blog.RURSUS.de: Tabakproduktrichtlinie - Veröffentlichte Rohfassung

15.01.2014 23:35

Heute wurde die im Trilog zwischen EU-Rat, EU-Parlament und EU-Kommission abgestimmte Version der geplanten Tabakrichtlinie veröffentlicht.

Englische Fassung: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/meetdocs/2...eed_text_en.pdf

Quelle: blog.rursus.de


 Beitrag melden
17.01.2014 09:43

Na herzlichen Glückwunsch...

Manufacturers and importers of electronic cigarettes and refill containers shall notify
the product with the competent authorities of the Member States in which the product is
intended to be placed on the market. The notification shall be submitted in electronic
form 6 months before the intended placing on the market. For products already placed
on the market on the date referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 25, the notification shall
be submitted within 6 months of that date. A new notification shall be submitted for each
substantial modification of the product.

The notification shall, depending on whether the product is an electronic cigarette or a
refill container, contain the following information:

a. name and contact details of the manufacturer, a responsible legal or natural
person within the European Union, and, if applicable, the importer into the
European Union;

b. list of all ingredients contained in and emissions resulting from the use of the
product, by brand name and type, including quantities thereof;

c. toxicological data regarding these ingredients and their emissions, including when
heated, referring in particular to their effects on health of consumers when
inhaled and taking into account, inter alia, any addictive effect;

d. information on nicotine dosing and uptake when used under normal or reasonably
foreseeable conditions;

e. description of the components of the product; including, where applicable, the
opening and refill mechanism of the electronic cigarette or refill containers;

f. description of the production process including series production and declaration
that the production process ensures conformity with the requirements in this

g. declaration that the manufacturer and importer bear full responsibility for the
quality and safety of the product, when placed on the market and used under
normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions.


 Beitrag melden
19.01.2014 19:31

hab hier noch etwas interessantes gefunden, ich hoffe ich darf den link hier rein stellen.




 Beitrag melden
19.01.2014 19:56
avatar  Theop

Sehr gut geschrieben, mal sehen, ob es die Eurokraten überhaupt interessiert.



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