Well-assorted Cartomizers Show

03.09.2011 10:26
avatar  HeCa-

Dear Guy,

Here goes a picture of well-assorted cartomizers available on our site. Does the picture look nice to you?

If you are interested in them, please check http://www.healthcabin.net/index.php?mai...ndex&cPath=1076Simple Guide to Cartomizers for detailes.

if you have any questions, please feel free to let me know here or email to support@healthcabin.net.

we will be happy to help you choose right cartomizes.

Health Cabin


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03.09.2011 10:57
avatar  Philgood ( gelöscht )
Philgood ( gelöscht )

That's great! A fine owerview, thank you for that! :-)


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07.09.2011 12:34 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 07.09.2011 12:35)
avatar  HeCa-

Updated picture!


 Beitrag melden
07.09.2011 12:58
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I have a question, do you know, if anybody can produce coloured Mega Dual Coils?
The ones with 5ml, I mean.

They are really great, better than all others...but only in black or steel is nothing for us girlies...


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09.09.2011 17:39
avatar  HeCa-

Zitat von paulinchen
I have a question, do you know, if anybody can produce coloured Mega Dual Coils?
The ones with 5ml, I mean.

They are really great, better than all others...but only in black or steel is nothing for us girlies...

ego dual cartomizers are only in stainless or black now, because they look too big to fit girls in our opinion.

could you tell us what colors you are interested?


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09.09.2011 17:58
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Zitat von Health Cabin

could you tell us what colors you are interested?

Of course, quickly...

White, pink and blue are my favorite colours.
Have a look at this picture, and you can see, I like colours really...

And yeah...also girlies like the great vape with the big ones...

(Sorry, it's only very old school english, I hope you understand what I mean )


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12.09.2011 07:15
avatar  HeCa-

Zitat von paulinchen

Zitat von Health Cabin

could you tell us what colors you are interested?

Of course, quickly...

White, pink and blue are my favorite colours.
Have a look at this picture, and you can see, I like colours really...

And yeah...also girlies like the great vape with the big ones...

(Sorry, it's only very old school english, I hope you understand what I mean )

Thank you for your picture. it looks nice. we will consider adding more colored cartomizers at our shop in future. :)


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12.09.2011 07:44
avatar  HeCa-

Zitat von paulinchen

Zitat von Health Cabin

could you tell us what colors you are interested?

Of course, quickly...

White, pink and blue are my favorite colours.
Have a look at this picture, and you can see, I like colours really...

And yeah...also girlies like the great vape with the big ones...

(Sorry, it's only very old school english, I hope you understand what I mean )

Thank you for your picture. it looks nice. we will consider adding more colored cartomizers at our shop in future. :)


 Beitrag melden
12.09.2011 09:50
Bilder Upload

Great! Thanks


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18.09.2011 16:12
avatar  HeCa-

Zitat von paulinchen
Great! Thanks

Welcome. we plan to add echo cartomizers in more colors at the first. :)


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