New! GeekVape Avocado RTA Tank

30.11.2015 10:45
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GeekVape Avocado RTA Tank is a new tank with the easiest rebuilding Gennesis structure. It features a 3ml e-liquid capacity and velocity style dual post deck.

1. Easiest to build with genesis structure
2. Perfect flavor experience
3. Easy to fill
4. Single of dual coil compatibility
5. Drip tip replaceable
6. Adjustable positive pin

If you are interested in this Avocado RTA tank, please pay a close attention, it will be available soon at BTW, as always, please feel free to play your order by using our 8% off coupon code: AHGEVAPE


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30.11.2015 12:23 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 30.11.2015 12:25)

But where we can see the AFC?
Wo bitte wird die Luftzuführung gezeigt?

Beste Grüße


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