Researchers Discover Secret To Vaping Is Easier Than We Thought

03.01.2019 12:31
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So if we truly value ending the smoking epidemic once and for all, we must support vaping instead of undermining it.

The battle over vaping rights is still going strong. Many experts feel that 2019 might be a make or break year for the industry. With increasing pressure from parents and the government, vaping companies have already started to feel the heat. That’s why it’s important to read and spread positive evidence like this to all the smokers in your life. Polls indicate that only around 13% of adults understand vaping is much safer than smoking, while about 26% say they’re just as, if not more dangerous. With public perception being this low, it’s critical that we work harder than ever to educate the people in our lives. If we wait, we may soon wake up in a world where vaping has been banned outright


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04.01.2019 03:52

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Hier noch der Link zum abstract, für die, die an die Quelle wollen:


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