Summer sale from Aug 08 to Aug 12

03.08.2012 15:52
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Dear customers,

The SUMMER SALE is finally coming at!

You can use coupon codes to get your discounts as follows:

Orders of 80-149 USD: coupon code summer08 for 8% off.
Orders above 150 USD: coupon code summer 10 for 10% off.
Orders above 250 USD: code summer 10 for 10% off + free shipping.

Extra: All purchases of Joye eGo T 650mAh Kit can get 2 extra eGo T atomizers per kit. First come, first serve!

Sales Time: 8th August 00:00 — 12th August 24:00 (-0500GMT)

NOTE: Resellers and drop shippers are not included the summer sale.

The sale is NOT always!

Health Cabin
3rd August, 2012


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