Jacvapour Mini VGO video review (by Bobby)

23.08.2012 18:57
avatar  Donny


This is my review of the Jacvapour Mini Vgo paid for with my own money.


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23.08.2012 19:40

Ehrm, this is the same old stuff that is in use for months now.
The reviews about those are done exhaustively already.
And way better, I might add.

Why do you post those here?

Uga Uga, Atuk aluna Lana.
Ja ich habe kein Taktgefühl oder Scham, was erwartet man denn auch schon von einem Höhlenmenschen :P
Hanseatisch-offen-ehrlich, ich hasse heißen Brei


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23.08.2012 20:00
avatar  Donny

I post these, because not everyone, obviously unlike yourself who seems to know everything about ecigs, has seen these products.


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23.08.2012 20:01
avatar  Donny

And to clarify, these 400mah mini Vgo batteries, have not been in use for months now.


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