New offer from InaweraShop!

12.04.2013 12:22

New offer from InaweraShop!

Brilliant opportunity to taste and try new flavours from InaweraShop !

All orders for 30 euros and over have a chance for free flavour from 14.04-21.04. 2013.

1. Create your shopping cart
2. Go to checkout
3. Tick ONE of 4 boxes and choose the flavour you wish to receive as a gift
4. Flavour will be added free of charge to your order
5. You are ready to make a payment.
6. Reviews on the website always welcome


If you don't tick the box, NO flavour will be added to the order so please make sure you tick the box with the flavour wanted.
Remember your shoping cart needs to be for 30 euros or more.

Enjoy your shopping with InaweraShop!


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16.04.2013 04:16


to get new flavours for free : Black Jack Tobacco, new Morning Rain, Cavendish Tobacco or Chocolate cream - just tick the box with the wanted flavour at the end of your shopping - this will appear if you have in your basket 30 euro or over:)

Take advantage of this offer to test and try new flavours:)

Any questions or if you need help with anything, let me know:)



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