Hallo, ich bin ein neuer Mann hier

29.02.2016 10:54
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Hallo, ich bin Justin und seit mehreren Jahren mit dem Rauchen. Jetzt lerne ich mit Ecig Gerät smok. Ich habe es mehrmals vaped. Ich fühle mich gut.


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29.02.2016 12:11
avatar  Mischu
Ich habe kein Problem mit Nähe, solange der Abstand stimmt


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01.03.2016 03:11
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Yes, I want to be a vendor in your forum :)


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01.03.2016 03:15
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Zitat von Mischu im Beitrag #2
Are you a dealer @AVE40 ?

Please read dampfertreff.de/t13886f533-Admission-rules-in-spoiler-Konzept-des-Forums-Aufnahme-der-Shops.html

I am sorry, I am not good at german, can you tell me the english edition? Thanks


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01.03.2016 10:06
Bö(h)ser SMod

Dann bist Du in einem deutschsprachigem Forum ja prima aufgehoben...

Anyway, try again, you will find it.
(Klick at "spoiler")

Es mag den einen oder anderen überraschen, aber man kann unterschiedlicher Meinung sein, ohne den anderen zu beleidigen.
Das geht wirklich!

DTF-Notfallhilfe Dampferfreundliche Lokale


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03.03.2016 11:11
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Zitat von pumpkinhead im Beitrag #5
Dann bist Du in einem deutschsprachigem Forum ja prima aufgehoben...

Anyway, try again, you will find it.
(Klick at "spoiler")

Can you help me?


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03.03.2016 11:13
Bö(h)ser SMod

Zitat von chanel im Beitrag Admission rules (in spoiler) - Konzept des Forums - Aufnahme der Shops
Admission rules :
Dealer / Manufacturer introduce here: ■ Dealer Introduction ■

They have to tell us if they are dealer or manufacturer and
which shop / business they want to introduce here (please click "neues Thema" for your presentation) here: • Shop Vorstellungen

Offline Shops (without any internet website) have to post their
stock, address and prices.

Afterwards members can post their first feedback about the shop
(this is highly appriciated!).

After the feedback, Dealer have to contact the moderator Mischu (moderatoren@dampfertreff.de)
if they are looking for a dealer corner with Dampfertreff-Service for 23,90€ per month. (part of DFT dealer section).
(Manufacturers on request)
After a review and with a positive feedback from the members, we'll
set up the shop section. If you want the special Link (top and bottom) please send a private message.

If the shop does not apply after few days left or without any member
feedback they'll be moved to the finished shop introductions.
One time posting for shop advertisement is not allowed.

We are looking for?

1 - a link of our forum on your first Shop site ** with our Banner **unser Banner**
and a TEXT-LINK "Fachforum für eZigaretten und eLiquids"
2 - Discounts for our members (get ideas from other store discounts, between 10-20% is the most)
3 - Participation in organized Forum Contests

What are you allowed to do in your area?

1 - annoucing your Shop News
2 - Special-Deals for our members ( here are the other Shop-Deals Dampfertreff Shop-Rabatte und Codelinks )
3 - Equipment/Liquid testing
4 - using the internal dealer area of the forum
5 - poll creation

Please take a look/read in **all areas **alle Bereiche hier**

Shops and their inclusion in the forum:

The concept of the forum is to give each dealer/vendor an equal chance.
This means that nor a Moderator or Adminstrator will judge a new shop.

Dealers get a DFT-Shop here, if they primarily provide a member forum service.
This service means includes e.g. quick annwers to questions, member discounts ect.
The shops are not recommendations of the forum, but will establish with customer

What should members do?
After introduction they could post their feedback - pros and cons.
And if the already had any experience with the shop (review here):

Bilder UploadBewertungen Online Shops

It always appear more shops, small or big, cheap or expensive, good or bad.
If we would sort out before, and wouldn't allow opinions of all shops, there
would be a problem because big search engines prefer their payed advertisment
customers (and we all know - the largest does not always have the best and vice
We want to protect - with your help.

It's very important, that Newbies, have the chance to find opinions at Google.
And thats not possible if shops would be ignored because admins and mods don't
like their prices, "nose", advertisment. So Mods and Admins don't do any sortment
(member opions and experiences counts).
Everyone is there to rely on the users / customers and members.

Therefore keep your personal opinion and say what you think about. So a new shop has
a chance, with positive feedback, to adapt to the market and open minded for customer
wishes and demands.
Our forum is a user forum (including participation of the users).
We, the board management, will not select and therefore the member and their opinions
and feedback counts for shop owner, only.

A dealer here in the forum have to handle also criticism of the users - so we are also
able with which dealer we are working with.
Through this self-regulation - we'll see which shop deserves to be a part of DFT.

We'll continue to handle this that way - it's positive for our members (e.g. through
price adjustments).
The competition is strong and our members have the freedom of speech.
No dealer is protected here or preferred and no one will be judged before and feedbacks
are done.

The Forum Management

Es mag den einen oder anderen überraschen, aber man kann unterschiedlicher Meinung sein, ohne den anderen zu beleidigen.
Das geht wirklich!

DTF-Notfallhilfe Dampferfreundliche Lokale


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