27.08.2019 09:56 (zuletzt bearbeitet: 27.08.2019 09:58)

Big surprise!

USONICIG launched upgraded website and will offer a big chance to win one USONICIG T-shirt, One hat and one USONICIG ZIP kits and Pods. The giveaway activity is on our website:

To celebrate the launch, I will also pick one winner here. Welcome to say anything about the new USONICIG website.

One winner will be selected randomly from all eligible entries.
The game will end on the last day of this week.
The winner will be announced on next day.


 Beitrag melden
27.08.2019 10:05

Here! Pick me! Pick me!

„Use the Force, Harry!“
-Gandalf, from The Chronicles of Narnia: Catching Fire

„Das Blöde an Zitaten aus dem Internet ist, dass man nie weiß, ob sie stimmen.“
-Leonardo da Vinci


 Beitrag melden
27.08.2019 15:53

Thank you for the Chance.


 Beitrag melden
27.08.2019 16:59

Visited a new website. Clicked on the links. Everything works perfectly.
It looks simple and expressive. Loading fast


 Beitrag melden
27.08.2019 19:48

Looks intuitive. Thank You for your Activity here😁👍

"Was 2,6 Ohm?? so hoch? Schmeckt das noch?"


 Beitrag melden
27.08.2019 23:51

It‘s a nice website


 Beitrag melden
30.08.2019 18:42

Pretty nice website you've got there, with clean design and fast navigation
thanks for a chance to win!


 Beitrag melden
30.08.2019 21:25
avatar  CmYk

Great new Design!


 Beitrag melden
02.09.2019 10:44

Thank you everyone for participating in our game! Much appreciated!
A big congratulations to the lucky winner: @stillborn


 Beitrag melden
02.09.2019 15:35

Wow Thank You so much. Didnt consider winning at all. 😊😊😊

"Was 2,6 Ohm?? so hoch? Schmeckt das noch?"


 Beitrag melden
02.09.2019 16:55



 Beitrag melden
09.09.2019 16:53

My ZIP kit came today. First Impression is good. Produces enough vapor. It was charged but i did Charge it all the way up. Taste is good. It shines with the First impression. With the Lack of cotton you have a clean taste from the beginning. My Hardcore test will be the next days. I only take 2 Mods with me on my Holiday. The ZIP and another one. Then i will do another Review.
But I really enjoy it so far. 😊👍

"Was 2,6 Ohm?? so hoch? Schmeckt das noch?"


 Beitrag melden
10.09.2019 09:33

Zitat von stillborn im Beitrag #12My ZIP kit came today. First Impression is good. Produces enough vapor. It was charged but i did Charge it all the way up. Taste is good. It shines with the First impression. With the Lack of cotton you have a clean taste from the beginning. My Hardcore test will be the next days. I only take 2 Mods with me on my Holiday. The ZIP and another one. Then i will do another Review.
But I really enjoy it so far. 😊👍

Thanks so much for your feedback. Enjoy your holiday.


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