eGo T Deluxe Kit Back / Limited Offer/ Only 89.25 USD

29.06.2012 16:31
avatar  HeCa-

Upgraded eGo T Deluxe Kit - $89.25

It is upgraded eGo T Deluxe kit with 2pc Joye eGo C 650mah batteries instead of eGo T batteries, because eGo-C battery is more safer than other batteries because of stronger short circuit protection and over discharge protection.

You can find almost everything for your first ecigarette trying in the kit such as batteries, atomziers, cartomizers, cartridges, popular HC RY4 ejuice and chargers. With the kit at hand you can use ecig easily in the car or at home. It is also really economic to keep a eGo deluxe kit without purchasing so many accessories!


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