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Dokumentarfilm „A Billion Lives“ deckt diskreditierende Berichterstattung auf
Zitat von kosch im Beitrag #315
Ich hab mal irgendwo gelesen das demnächst einer auf YouTube hochgeladen wird. Mit Untertitel in Englisch. Nur weiß ich nicht mehr wie der heißt kann da jemand aushelfen?
Von allen Dokus hat der mir am meisten Spaß gemacht
Auf bestimmten Streaming Portalen kann man sie in mehr oder weniger Qualität anschauen.... Nicht ganz legal...also geht mit Proxy rein....
Dies ist keine Austauschbörse für toll befundene Filme. Hier geht's um A Billion Lives.
Französische Premiere am 11.9.16:
16.9.16 Premiere in Johannesburg, Südafrika:
Anscheinend nimmt das Ganze jetzt Tempo auf:
October 26th!
Click here to watch & share the new trailer!
After successful premieres and awards around the world, we are excited to announce that we're finally able to bring A Billion Lives to theaters on October 26th.
Now it's up to you!
1) Watch & share the new trailer on Facebook
2) Watch the new trailer on YouTube & share on Twitter
Let's see how fast we can get it to a million views!
So what's the plan with theaters and October 26th?
Because this is an independent film (not associated with Warner Brothers, Universal, etc.) and we are critical of the #2 advertiser on TV (Big Pharma), we had to take matters into our own hands.
We've booked the famous Hollywood Cinerama Theatre on October 26th for the Hollywood Premiere and global launch party. We haven't funded the required PR yet through after-party sponsorships, so please respond to this email if you're interested in supporting our efforts in any way (and attending the premiere).
This will be a private event for celebrities, friends of the event (mentioned above), and media.
The famous Cinerama Dome has hosted world premieres of movies such as Lord of the Rings, Men in Black, Dumb & Dumber, Pitch Perfect, Bad Boys & more.
Because of the success of our North American Premiere (1400 attendees), we were able to negotiate a deal with amazing theaters in New York City and LA to show the movie 56 times on opening week after the Hollywood Premiere!
New York City: Cinepolis (Chelsea)
Opens October 28th
Los Angeles: Laemmle Music Hall (Beverly Hills)
Opens October 28th
Once we put together a more impressive budget for our our Hollywood Premiere (think celebrities & media), we'll have more news on the US & Canada.
Because of your interest in the movie, the awards, and these powerful premieres, we were recently approached by an innovative distribution company, Demand.Film, to bring the truth to theaters around the world. This could be big!
Demand.Film and A Billion Lives are featured in Forbes today.
Our partnership with them will initially begin with the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. However, they are constantly looking to see what other countries make strategic sense. There is talk of Germany, Austria, Ireland, France, and others. The US & Canada will be with a different company once we fully fund the Hollywood Premiere.
The innovative approach they've developed allows us to bring A Billion Lives to most cities where 100 people are willing to buy tickets. As a way to say thank you for all the support, we'll be giving 5% of ticket sales back to the organizers of each screening to support the advocacy group of their choice.
Click on the countries below to learn more and sign up to bring it to your local theater:
For our friends outside these countries interested in helping organize a screening of A Billion Lives in their city, please sign up here.
We'll keep the rest of the group updated via these email updates.
Quick summary:
Blast the trailer out to the world!
Plan on attending A Billion Lives on October 26th
If you're in the UK, Australia, or New Zealand, sign up now to organize a screening.
If you're in other countries (US, Canada, Ireland, Germany, Austria & France especially), please standby and sign up here.
More info is coming once we get our Hollywood global launch funded. That's all I can say for now.
Talk soon,
- Aaron Biebert & the team
Zitat von vaping falconer im Beitrag #331
Anscheinend nimmt das Ganze jetzt Tempo auf:
Ich interpretiers anders, so wie 'hey Leut, wir stecken fest, gebts uns an Schubs, wenn ihrs sehen wollt, moeglicherweise kommemer zu Euch....aber sicher ists ned....'
Ich würde den Film auch nicht unter Wert verkaufen, und klar, dass sich viele wünschen ihn auch zu sehen. So bleibt er zudem länger im Gespräch und versinkt nicht, wie andere, gute Beiträge.
Es ist schon was besonderes, in diesem Sinn
Ich kann nur nochmal wiederholen. Kohle kommt bei RL Präsentationen. Oder wenn er ein Buch schreibt.
@aronbiebert: The film must to be get at the sharing mules for getting worlwide interest.
i am in sharing community. And my files are doing be downloaded
Do you want to catch the money ? Or do you want to spread the message ?
Zitat von LowIQ im Beitrag #332Zitat von vaping falconer im Beitrag #331
Anscheinend nimmt das Ganze jetzt Tempo auf:
Ich interpretiers anders, so wie 'hey Leut, wir stecken fest, gebts uns an Schubs, wenn ihrs sehen wollt, moeglicherweise kommemer zu Euch....aber sicher ists ned....'
Ich hoffe du hast diesen Absatz schon verstanden:
Because of the success of our North American Premiere (1400 attendees), we were able to negotiate a deal with amazing theaters in New York City and LA to show the movie 56 times on opening week after the Hollywood Premiere!
New York City: Cinepolis (Chelsea)
Opens October 28th
Los Angeles: Laemmle Music Hall (Beverly Hills)
Opens October 28th
Independent bedeutet in dem Kontext natürlich auch Klinken putzen und in einem Land in dem alles mit Lobby und PR zu tun hat, genügend Promis in die "offizielle Hollywoodpremiere" zu bekommen. Da sind dann Menschen wie Johnny Depp ebenso wichtig wie andere Celebrities. Da reden wir dann nicht über c-Promis á la pbb, sondern über Menschen, die ein echtes "standing" haben und über Hollywood hinaus gestaltungsmächtig sind.
Mir fallen da einige ein, die sich auch permanent zu politischen und gesellschaftlich wichtigen Prozessen äußern und denen zugehört wird wie z.B. Brad Pitt, oder Susan Sarandon uvam.
"Ich will nicht in einer Welt leben, in der alles, was ich sage, alles was ich mache, der Name jedes Gesprächspartners, jeder Ausdruck von Kreativität, Liebe oder Freundschaft aufgezeichnet wird." E.Snowden
"Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind." - Albert Einstein
Falls hier Hollywood ins Spiel kommt, bekommt der höchstens den <Independent> Oscar.
Mehr geht nicht.
vgl. MichaelMoore. Oder Linus
Der hat mit seinem Druckertreiber keinen Cent verdient. Heute kennt den jeder
Der ist ein ein reicher Mann. Und wieso..., weil den jeder kennt. Der hat das richtig gemacht.
ich glaube diese Klingelbeutel schütteln richtet sich auch eher an Menschen, die nicht wir sind: Kanger, Joyetech, Eleaf, Vaporesso etc.pp und Menschen, die solche Parties eher aus der Portokasse bezahlen ;))
"Ich will nicht in einer Welt leben, in der alles, was ich sage, alles was ich mache, der Name jedes Gesprächspartners, jeder Ausdruck von Kreativität, Liebe oder Freundschaft aufgezeichnet wird." E.Snowden
"Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind." - Albert Einstein
Wenn i mi anstreng seh ich den Film vielleicht noch vor Ostern und lern nix dazu....zu dem was i eh scho....und sonst schautn eh niemand an...
so, whats the point.. ???
The point seems to be money making, not to spread a nobody can see it.....the message ......if there is any......for times to come....
Zitat von vaping falconer im Beitrag #341
nicht schlecht.
Ich kenne die Gesetze betr. Dampfen, Nikotin etc. von Südafrika nicht. Ist dort alles erlaubt? Vor einem Jahr hiess es, dass es genau so streng reguliert werden soll wie Tabak, welches auch unter Verschärfungen reguliert werden soll.
I'm not perfect but I'm a limited edition
✦ Medien NEWS (Schweiz, Deutschland, EU, USA u.a. Länder)
✦ Zoll, Rechtslagen und Gesetze, Versand
✦ Neues auf dem Markt und Einkaufshilfe
✦ Austausch zur TPD2 und Konsequenzen
✦ Gesundheitsforum - Inhaltsstoffe & Nebenwirkungen, CBD Forum, Gesundheit im Zusammenhang mit und ohne Dampfen
✦ Videothek, Reviews (Philgood u.a. Youtuber), Dampfer Videos zu Geräten, Politik, News, Gesundheit
✦ Podsysteme
✦ Produkte der Tabakunternehmen
Aaron Biebert und Dr. Delon Human in > tonight < einer TV-Show aus Süd-Afrika
Und tolles Interview in Forbes mit Aaron Biebert.
Update vom 11.10.16:
"I am thankful
Click here to watch & share the new trailer!
In the quiet hours here at the end of a long day, I'm pondering many things.
This has been an amazing journey. It's been nearly two years since we initially decided to to investigate this topic, and nearly a year since we finished filming.
The thought that just keeps coming to mind as I write this is how thankful I am to have you all with us. This project has been emotional, grueling. I appreciate your support. I appreciate your patience.
This week will feature the most announcements we've ever made. Things are finally rolling.
I hope you're ready!
Let's start with Canada since it's Thanksgiving there today and I'm especially grateful for all their support over the past year.
Here are a couple updates:
Tickets for the Canadian Premiere in Toronto at the Hot Docs Cinema are now on sale. Click here to be a part of it.
We just received word that a former Prime Minister of Canada will be joining us! A world leader wants to see what we found!
We are still waiting for a rating and approval in all provinces of Canada. It's a tedious process.
We now have a version of A Billion Lives in French.
Once the movie is finally approved, it will be available to come to theaters throughout Canada via
Our friends in the UK continue to lead the world in intelligent and compassionate tobacco harm reduction strategies. We have five British people in the movie and much of our early support on social media came from there.
We are honored to announce that we now have 11 screenings at Odeon Cinemas across the UK.
Click here to buy tickets and help us show the media that this isn't some niche film.
If you'd like to setup a screening at an Odeon Cinema near you, visit this page. Organizers get 5% of sales to support an advocacy effort.
It's hard to invite politicians, customers, and media to your home. The cinema is the best way to introduce people to tobacco hard reduction, in a neutral, comfortable, familiar place.
Australia is facing some of the harshest conditions for smokers seeking to quit. I'm excited to see things begin to turn around there.
It was an honor to win my first Best Director award there and I'm excited to announce that we have 13 screenings scheduled across Australia!
If you'd like to see (& support) the movie, click here for tickets.
If you'd like to organize a screening in your city, click here. As mentioned before, there are perks.
We're going to make some noise for trapped smokers, for Vince, and for the truth.
New Zealand was where it all began. Our world premiere was spectacular and we've shown the movie four times already there.
It's been amazing to watch their government reverse course on nicotine vapor technology.
There are two more chances for our Kiwi friends to see A Billion Lives. Click here for tickets.
I'll have more big updates soon for the rest of the world, so please keep checking your emails this week.
Talk soon,
- Aaron Biebert & the team"
Hier nochmal der neue Trailer von dem gesprochen wird.
Deutsche Premiere am 19.11. in Berlin!
They tried to bury us
I was worried.
Big organizations were trying to bury us. Facebook was unfairly censoring our posts, making them unseen to the public we were trying to reach. Big Hollywood companies were mysteriously "not interested" after expressing strong support. Our small team starting facing burnout and fatigue.
It wasn't looking good. We fell about a month behind our planned release schedule.
But you stuck with us.
You lifted us up. Many of you volunteered to help.
You made a lot of noise and caught the attention of two distribution companies called Tugg & Demand.Film.
The only thing we needed now were some big publicity events to make a successful partnership with them possible. Without a massive marketing budget, we needed big premiere events in Hollywood and New York City to get the media behind us and lead to wider distribution in theaters, TV, and streaming services.
To the Rescue
After our successful North American Premiere, I watched my best friend's mom (who smoked two packs a day) quit smoking. She was at our after-party and she picked up one of the Von Erl (a party sponsor) vapor devices and tried it. I know many folks think flavors are only for kids, but she loved the chocolate flavor so much she quit smoking on the spot.
The reaction was priceless.
Months later, she has quit for good, so did her husband (who now has a new mod). Their family has gone through a revolution and my best friend will have his parents around for many more years.
959,999,956 lives left to save.
When I told that story to Günter (CEO of Von Erl) over Skype, he told me that's why he got into this business. He asked if he could sponsor our Hollywood Premiere Global Launch Party to help make it an effective event and reach even more people with the truth. He also asked if we could do the same in Berlin. He lives in Austria and really wanted to see the movie in German for his neighbors and loved ones to know the truth.
I said yes, and today after all the worries and hard work and waiting, we can finally announce that this film is going to be seen on hundreds of screens worldwide and will be covered by some of the most prestigious press outlets on the planet.
What they say about this movement will largely be based on what happens in the next 10 days.
The battle truly begins today.
The Plan
Life-saving vapor technology has a PR problem. It's been beaten steadily for the past several years and most of the public thinks it's harming society, addicting children, and supporting Big Tobacco.
Consequently, politicians who are mainly focused on getting re-elected are bullied and threatened by Big Pharma-funded "non-profit" organizations to go along with the bans, restrictions, and extreme taxes.
We need to get the truth out...and we need to do it now.
Our PR team in Hollywood is busy pitching more news outlets and managing our VIP list so that we can make the maximum impact with our message. Jeff Stier and the NYC organizing committee he assembled is doing the same in New York.
We need some help. The majority of big film critics and reporters will only write about something big. Netflix only wants big movies.
We need to get "big". That means box office sales.
Through our relationship with Tugg, we now have 95% of theaters in the entire US willing to show A Billion Lives. The only catch is that we need:
1) An organizer (it's easy and we give back 5%)
2) About 100 tickets reserved at each theater
We also have a similar arrangement through Demand.Film for the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland. If these go well, more countries will be added.
If you'd like to see the life-saving truth spread, then please buy tickets right now. The media is watching. Invite your loved ones. Invite your leaders. Invite your neighbors.
Theaters are the best place for community education.
October 26th is our global launch day. We will kick off the launch with our Hollywood Premiere at the famous Cinerama Dome Theatre on Sunset Blvd and a smaller after-party on top the W Hollywood Hotel for invited media, celebs, and special guests.
We'll use that time to make sure the message is heard.
We'll have a huge red carpet at the theater for media to get pictures and footage of the attendees. Getty will be there. LA Weekly will be reviewing the film. It's on the calendar for the LA Times. Other media (reporters, magazines, bloggers, etc.) seeking passes to the red carpet are asked to contact
If you have a potential VIP guest that can help bring attention to our fight for truth, please contact I'm saving some seats for anyone that can bring more celebs.
Sadly, that's the only people the public listens to anymore...which is why this Hollywood Premiere is so vital.
We're also reserving complimentary premiere tickets for the following:
Anyone who organizes a showing through Tugg or Demand.Film
Anyone that adopts one of four screenings per day at the Laemmle Music Hall in nearby Beverly Hills
State leaders for the independent Hands for a Billion Lives silent protest event
Two days later on October 28th, we'll be headed to NYC for our New York City Premiere and Media Panel at the Cinépolis Chelsea. Thanks to planning committee chairman Jeff Stier, this event will be a massive success. I'll be interviewed on The Street TV. The New York Times will be covering the film, so will The Village Voice. Others are RSVP'ing as I type this.
After the premiere, we'll have a panel for the media that is moderated by a Forbes writer, including: "Winston Man" David Goerlitz, Dr. Sally Satel MD, and myself.
I will be reserving tickets for media (contact and anyone who adopts (buys a block of tickets and help promotes it) one of four screenings per day at Cinépolis Chelsea on October 28th to November 4th.
Tickets are now on sale for the NYC Premiere & Panel at 8:00pm and subsequent showings (click here). Search for Cinépolis Chelsea and the date (October 28th and beyond).
The Battle for #ABillionLives
After NYC, we begin one of the most difficult battles of this entire journey. We head to India to fight for truth at the World Health Organization FCTC COP7, which is responsible for the bans popping up around the world.
They're protecting cigarettes and we've got plans to make sure the world knows it. The majority of the billion deaths will happen on their watch, and it's time to bring them out of their secret shadowy meetings.
Stay tuned.
Upcoming dates (more details soon):
November 9th - Delhi, India
November 12th - Budapest, Hungary
November 14th - Oslo, Norway
November 16th - Tallinn, Estonia (PÖFF)
November 19th - Berlin, Germany (after-party sponsored by Von Erl & Innocigs)
Basically, this entire email boils down to this:
Help organize a screening in your US city (other countries click here).
Buy tickets throughout the entire US at Tugg, Laemmle (LA), or Cinepolis (NYC) theaters.
Invite your neighbors and loved ones.
Promote any positive press
we get to build momentum. Facebook is censoring our big posts.
Get ready for a wild ride this fall!
We're going to win this battle!
See you at the movies!
- Aaron Biebert & the team
Zitat von vaping falconer im Beitrag #346
Deutsche Premiere am 19.11. in Berlin!
November 19th - Berlin, Germany (after-party sponsored by Von Erl & Innocigs)
We're going to win this battle!
See you at the movies!
- Aaron Biebert & the team
Wird mir wahrscheinlich zu weit....aber alle Norddeutschen auf jeden Fall hinfahren und Leute mitnehmen!!!!
Sollte aber nochmal ne eigene Ankündigung bekommen, oder?
"Ich will nicht in einer Welt leben, in der alles, was ich sage, alles was ich mache, der Name jedes Gesprächspartners, jeder Ausdruck von Kreativität, Liebe oder Freundschaft aufgezeichnet wird." E.Snowden
"Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind." - Albert Einstein
Zitat von vaping falconer im Beitrag #346
Deutsche Premiere am 19.11. in Berlin!
November 19th - Berlin, Germany (after-party sponsored by Von Erl & Innocigs)
Wo gibt es Tickets dafür ?
Oder ist das <geschlossene Gesellschaft> ?
They tried to bury us
I was worried.
Big organizations were trying to bury us. Facebook was unfairly censoring our posts, making them unseen to the public we were trying to reach. Big Hollywood companies were mysteriously "not interested" after expressing strong support. Our small team starting facing burnout and fatigue.
It wasn't looking good. We fell about a month behind our planned release schedule.
Meine Englischkenntnisse scheinen verrosteter zu sein, als die Möglichkeit mit Stiefelbeutel überm Kopp nen K4 komplett zu zerlegen, wieder zusammenzusetzen und neu zu wickeln.
Liest sich für mich trotzdem eher so, als würden da 'Marktgrössen' mit allen Knüppeln schmeissen, die man einem Wahrheitsverkünder nun eben zwischen die Füsse werfen könnte.
Berlin, Berlin - wir hoffen auf Berlin...
Gibt es diesbezüglich schon mehr belastbares als eben nur diese Ankündigung? Wenn ja, wo, warum, wieviel und wäre es sinnvoll, sich gleich noch mit nen günstiges Zimmer zu buchen?
Zitat von Dampfer-Manfred im Beitrag #349
Berlin, Berlin - wir hoffen auf Berlin...
Gibt es diesbezüglich schon mehr belastbares als eben nur diese Ankündigung? Wenn ja, wo, warum, wieviel und wäre es sinnvoll, sich gleich noch mit nen günstiges Zimmer zu buchen?
Hm also ich habe gleich VDF-Kino angemailt und geschrieben, der Film soll am 19.11.2016 in Berlin zu sehen sein.
Wann ich den den Film in meienr Stadt ansehen könnte?
Antwort: WIr haben keine Kenntnisse (es liegen keine Daten vor) darüber.
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- by flugs - Modders Corner
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- handgearbeitete Mods by WernerB
- Hartys Mess- und Wickelkoffer
- Kelevras Territorium
- n3c2o Bereich
- Raptors Schutzcover & Gürteltaschen
- Sparkers
- Schrauberers Vaping Project
- Tim3les Modderbereich
- Towos Bastelschuppen
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- Dampfertools und Accessoires von vnron
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- bvra - Bundesverband Rauchfreie Alternative e.V.
- Bundesverband Rauchfreie Alternative e.V.: Infobereich - News
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- • CBV Aroma *Mitglieder-Rabatt*
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- • Wanna Vapor: Shop-News, Shop-Support & Fragen an Wanna Vapor
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- • • Highendsmoke
- • Highendsmoker: Shop-News, Shop-Support & Fragen an Highendsmoker
- • eDampf-Shop : Shop-News, Shop-Support & Fragen an eDampf-Shop
- • • Amazing-Liquids
- • Amazing-Liquids: Shop-News, Shop-Support & Fragen an Amazing Liquids
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- • Liquid-Schmiede: Shop-News, Shop-Support & Fragen an Liquid-Schmiede
- • • Bielefeld´s Dampf Shop
- • Smart24: Shop-News, Shop-Support & Fragen an Smart24
- • Chillex E-Liquids
- • Steam Joy: Shop-News, Shop-Support & Fragen an Steam Joy
- • USONICIG: Shop-News, Shop-Support & Fragen an Usonic
- • Zazo
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